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Showing posts from July, 2023


Visionary MEN, don't live a life without a vision that is solution oriented. Be compassionate and disciplined towards whatsoever God has entrusted into your hand. Don't allow your quest for anything blind you from the safety of what God has entrusted into your hands. Be faithful in the studying of God's Word, prayer and the vision or assignment God has entrusted into your care. In all your decision as a visionary men, place the safety of your Faith in Jesus and the safety of your vision or life assignment as a top priority. You are not just a man of authority, your authority is in serving your generation. Be accountable, be dependable and br honest in all your dealings with people. YOU ARE THE MAN, PROTECT EVERY THING THAT GOD HAVE COMMITTED INTO YOUR CARE, INCLUDING HUMANS OR LADIES. Be intentional and deliberate..  Prince Victor Matthew Hope Expression Hub