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The Treasure Within You

The strength of every man in Christ is becoming dream/purpose conscious. God created you for work and to work the work committed to you.

The real identity of every male gender is their passion, curiosity and interest in life in the direction of the work that appeal their interest. Being lazy is not an option.

Every man have a dream that can be called purpose. Irrespective of your age, social and relationships status, you must focus on your dream.

Being the man on the Frontline means, there is a movement that you are lead as the set man. You must identify the solution God has ordained you to birth. You must identify the difference God has created you to make.

You are a man of vision. You are a man of purpose. You are a man of impact. It's in your capacity as a man irrespective of your age or social status. You are not too young or old to embrace your own passion.

There is a vision and a possibility to specific problems in the society that God and the Host of Heaven is depending on each man in Christ to deploy to their generation. Find your place and stay put.

As a man, competing with your fellow man or lady is a sign you are blind to your own uniqueness. Success in God's kingdom is in you becoming who God has created you to become. It is not in outshining anyone at all. It's in you outshining your previous success or self discovery.

Irrespective of your background, past, mistakes and limitations, there is a vision, and a dream trapped inside of you, seek to be discovered, developed and deployed by you. You are the man on the Frontline of your own dream, purpose and life assignment in this generation.

This generation awaits your rising, your becoming and deploying of the capacity and potential God installed inside you while He was forming you into your mother's womb. Don't bend, don't blend, and don't beg!!

Prince Victor Matthew
Hope Expression Hub


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